Sunday 20 February 2011

Daddy wants a pizza the action...

We've slipped into a nice little habit of going to Pizza Express on a Friday early evening. The husband finishes work as soon as he can, nips home, ditches the suit and we stroll into town with the baby in her Ergo carrier. Pizza Express is an excellent place to go to eat with a baby. Our little one is 10 months now and we're mainly following a baby led weaning (BLW) approach. We find the menu and the atmosphere easy and relaxed. It's a lovely way to end the week together.

This week, to our horror, the baby decided to puke - Mount Vesuvius style - just as the waitress put our drinks on the table. Our girl's not a pukey baby generally so we were a bit surprised. I was trying to contain the continued stream with napkins and a muslin but noticed quite an interesting phenomenon occurring with my husband. He leapt to his feet and looked for a job to do - as it went there wasn't much he could do at that point. 
"Have we got a change of clothing?" he asked. 
"No." i replied. 
By this time the baby had finished being sick, and we'd mopped up as best as we could. Everything was calm, we were just waiting for the pizzas which we'd swapped to a takeaway order. The husband started looking twitchy...
"Shall I run to a shop to get a change of clothes?" he said. 
"No" i replied, "We'll just take her home like this and wash the Ergo and everything we're wearing too. 
"OK" he says, and sits down again. 
His bum cant have hit the chair before he leaps up and says: 
"Shall i run to get the car?" 
"No" i said, again. "Just stay here with, me, finish your drink." 
With that the pizzas arrive, we pay, we pack up our stuff and head home. The husband looks very relieved.

It struck me that my husband, who i'm sure is like many men, needs a job to do in a crisis, and would rather be tearing around getting a job, any job, done rather than sitting calmly within the chaos until it passes. Even if that job doesn't actually achieve anything positive to the situation.

I like it that he's a man of action, he's got us out of a few scrapes in our wild pre-baby days, but i also like it that I can keep calm in a situation (sometimes) and ride that wave of chaos.

So it's Sunday now and the baby is still poorly, but she's not distressed, or dehydrated, just snoozing lots and not keeping her milk in her tummy. All this snoozing has given me a bit of time to set up my blog and a new Twitter account. Ha, it's only taken me 10 months to kick into action on this little plan!

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